5 Common Ice Maker Problems and How to Fix Them

The ice maker is one of the most useful features in a refrigerator. It allows you to store ice conveniently.
Many households use ice makers for the convenience it provides. The benefit of having an ice maker is that you do not have to run to the local shop every time you need ice.
But just like any other machine, ice makers can encounter breakdowns or malfunction that can cause it to stop working properly or worse, ultimately. So the very first step that you should do when your ice maker stops working is to understand the main problem. Sometimes, fixing your ice maker is pretty easy especially if the malfunction is caused by simple things.
So let's look into the different ice maker problems that you may encounter and the best ways to fix them.
Wrong Settings for Fridge Thermostat
If your ice maker is making only a small amount of ice or no ice at all, the problem may be with the wrong settings of your fridge thermostat. You should also check the water valve and water fill switch.
The most common mistake is to set the thermostat above the recommended temperature range. You should set the temperature between 3 and 4 degrees. If you set the temperature beyond the recommended range, your ice maker will not be able to freeze the water properly and can cause a leak.
Turned Off or Paused Ice Maker
If your refrigerator has an ice maker with a manual ice maker off or pause button, you may have accidentally pressed one of the buttons. If this is the case, it will stop the cycle midstream.
If you want to restart the cycle, you need to press the manual off or pause button and resume the cycle. You need to set the correct temperature to make sure that the ice is made properly as explained above.
Damaged Water Supply Line or Valve
If you see that your refrigerator is making noise but not making any ice, it may have a damaged water supply line. If the water supply line is broken, the unit cannot make ice and the sound of water coming from the refrigerator is from the water supply line. When you need to repair the water supply line, there will be a small hole on the bottom of the unit and it will leak. You can fix it by replacing the water supply line.
You can also check the water fill switch, which allows the ice maker or water line to connect to water. Check the water valve if you see a similar problem. If you need to repair the water valve, you can replace the valve and remove the ice maker.
Clogged Ice Maker
If you want to unclog your ice machine, you need a long, narrow object to dislodge the ice. A spatula is ideal, or you can use a screwdriver. Insert the tool into the chute and hit it to free the ice.
If you have an ice maker with a bucket, you need to remove the bucket to remove the stuck ice. Turn off the water supply, drain the ice and remove the bucket.
Expired Water Filter
When you have a built-in ice maker, the water filter is installed on the wall of the freezer. It keeps the ice maker from getting clogged up with dirt and sediment.
But you need to replace the water filter regularly because it can stop your ice maker from working. You can also check several other minor problems and fixes like if the timer is set correctly, if the motor is working, if the water fill line or water supply line are connected properly. These fixes for your ice maker problems are easy and can be done at home easily.
By learning the causes of ice maker problems, you will know how to resolve the problems. If you are handy and you have the tools you can also fix your ice maker yourself. But if you think the malfunctions are too complicated for you, then you can get a professional appliance repair service to fix your ice maker.
Pro Appliance provides quality refrigerator repair in Toronto and other appliance installation and services in the area. Let us help you with your next appliance repair! Schedule your appointment today!